First full season winner 2023/2024

9 months agoKjetil Hårtveit - Founder

Just a few days ago (6th of May) another first-time World Champion was crowned. Massive congratulations to Kyren Wilson 👏! He beat qualifier Jak Jones 18-14 in the final who himself had an incredible run taking down Jamie Clarke (Q), Zhou Yuelong (Q), Zhang Anda, Si Jiahui, Judd Trump and Stuart Bingham on his way to the final!

First full season winner

Here at Fantasy Snooker the battle was perhaps not as dramatic as Up The Ives (Mitch) absolutely blew the competition out of water 💪. He came into the tournament with a 609 point lead over The Avengers (kjetilh-sports) and even extended his lead to 778 after the tournament! His World Championship team consisted of Ronnie O'Sullivan (Captain), Jak Jones (he was 1 out of 3 with him in their team), Mark Allen, Judd Trump and Gary Wilson.

We congratulate Mitch with winning the second ever season of Fantasy Snooker, which was actually the first full season 🥳. Well done! A shout-out to Snooker365 (Glen) who overcome The Avengers (kjetilh-sports) and landed himself the second place spot in the rankings. All top 3 teams are awarded a place in the hall of fame.

Hall of fame 2023/2024 season
Hall of fame 2023/2024 season

The full ranking list for the 2023/2024 season is available via the rankings page. Here is the top 10:

Top 10 2023/2024 season
Top 10 2023/2024 season

What we're working on

Until the next season we will definitely try to sort out the technical issues regarding performance. It's been a problem and thorn in our side as long as we've been live. We have learned a lot throughout the process of creating Fantasy Snooker, but it's time to solve it once and for all and reach a performanent and stable state.

We have so many ideas but due to lack of development resources, some things on the shortlist could be:

  • rankings per event
  • private leagues

See you next season!

We hope you have a fantastic summer and hope to see you next season 🌞! The first event of the 2024/2025 season will be the Shanghai Masters 14-17 July 2024.

- Kjetil Hårtveit, founder and developer of Fantasy Snooker

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